Jesse Jackson arrested during Poor’s campaign march in Washington


Reverend Jesse Jackson was among more than 200 people arrested Monday in Washington, DC, by Capitol Hill police as they demonstrated in favor of Democratic legislation.

This is the last of several arrests this year for Jackson, who joined other protesters in the Poor’s Campaign March outside Union Station in DC on Monday in support of the Democrats’ sweeping electoral reform project.

Lucy and Linda Johnson, daughters of President Lyndon B. Johnson, also participated in the protest.


Last week, Jackson was one of 39 people arrested for refusing to leave the office of Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema in Phoenix, where they were protesting the senator’s support for filibuster.

The reverend and civil rights activist claimed the nation was in a “crisis of civilization” with “battle lines” drawn while calling on other activists to fight nonviolently for their rights, noting that “the power is in you, the people ”.

Demonstrators walked to Sinema’s office chanting to “end” filibuster – the historic procedural measure that is used to kill bills by blocking a vote, which Democrats have used more than 300 times in 2020 alone.

Additionally, the civil rights activist was arrested alongside Bishop William Barber II in June for a expression outside the United States Capitol against filibuster and GOP opposition to a minimum wage increase.

Sinema and his colleague Sen. Joe manchin, DW.V., have been seriously criticized by progressives seeking to end the tradition of the Senate, but both have supported filibuster.

Congressional Democrats and progressive groups have targeted filibuster as they push for the Democrats’ controversial voting legislation.

Manchin said in an interview on Sunday that he could not imagine an “exclusion” from the obstruction for the sweeping election overhaul.


Filing, a long-standing Senate tradition requiring 60 votes in a 100-member chamber to move a bill forward, effectively allows the minority party to block certain laws. The Senate is currently split 50/50 between the two parties, with Democrats holding a very small majority due to Vice President Kamala Harris’ decisive vote through her constitutional role as Speaker of the Senate.

But Democrats are nowhere near getting the 60 votes needed to overturn an obstruction. They do not even have the simple majority necessary to eliminate the filibuster rule.

Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser contributed reporting.


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