Jessica Jones' new assistant is Trans, and it's cool like hell


Aneesh Sheth (left) as Gillian, new friend of Jessica Jones at Alias ​​Investigations. Well … "friend" is a strong word when it comes to Jess.
Photo: Netflix

Since Malcolm started working for Jeri Hogarth at the pinnacle of Jessica Jones'Second season, our intrepid day drinker / super-powerful P.I. The hero needed a new assistant at Alias ​​Investigations. Jess has one for her last outing, and in the process, the series takes an interesting step forward, the kind that Marvel's movie side always struggles to do.

Aneesh Sheth joins the cast of Jessica Jones"Third and last season as Gillian, Jess's new assistant to Alias, that our beloved hero is … well, has a very Jessica Jones-y relationship with the season that starts. Sheth recently told

I think there's a line in the first episode where she says I brought her just because she does her job and she does not bother me. She makes a point where she says, "I want to keep her at bay, but she's doing a good job." The relationship looks a lot like this: "I appreciate the work that she does for me, but I really do not want to be personal with her.

Yep. It looks like Jessica.

But, as Sheth went on to discuss during the interview, one nice thing about Gillian is that she, like Sheth herself, is trans- and Jessica Jones Treats the gender identity of the character as something existing in the normal world, sometimes even strange, Jessica Jones and his overpowering brothers and sisters in the MCU occupy:

I'm transgender and Gillian's character is also trans, but there's nothing to suggest that she's trans in the series, nor some sort of story about her identity, which I think is wonderful because transgender people exist around the world. . It's not always about their story. So I think it's really good to see it exist and see where this story can lead us.

I am very curious to see where we are going. I think it's important in terms of representation that people know that you have on television a South Asian transsexual who creates a show, but also how wonderful it is for that person to exist on a show without having hitting [everyone] on the head and avoid sensationalism.

Nowadays, it should not be revolutionary to have characters like Gillian on TV, Marvel or otherwise, trans characters, interpreted by trans actors, who come to exist in scenarios beyond the immediate narratives of their own. gender identity. But this is the case, and even more so for a Marvel project, especially at a time when the studio's blockbuster movies are still struggling to place LGBTQ + people in its offer. cameoseven fewer characters in the stories. And Marvel has been making these items for over a decade!

So good on Jessica Jones– even at nightfall, he does things that his larger and more conspicuous contemporaries in the superhero league barely manage to dance. Jessica Jones returns to Netflix for one last season tomorrow, June 14th.

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