Jewish billionaire and GPO donor, Sheldon Adelson, diagnosed with cancer – Israel News


Sheldon Adelson speaks during an interview

Sheldon Adelson speaks during an interview.
(photo credit: REUTERS / TYRONE SIU)


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WASHINGTON – According to his lawyers, one of the most influential donors of Republican politics is his fight against cancer.

Sheldon Adelson, 85, a confidant of US President Donald Trump, who has largely contributed to his campaign for the relocation of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, is currently undergoing treatment for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

The casino mogul has not appeared at his office since the holidays but his absence was noticed by the public after missing the conference call on the company's January results. Later, a Las Vegas Sands lawyer told a local court that he would not be available to testify in a case because of his illness.

The Nevada Independent was the first to make headlines.

Adelson gave $ 30 million to Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and $ 100 million to the GOP for his mid-term races in 2018.

He defends conservative political positions against Israel, opposing US aid to the Palestinians and resolving the two – state Israeli – Palestinian conflict. He is the owner of the Israeli daily Israel Hayom.

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