Jimmy Kimmel roasts Rudy Giuliani for getting stiffened by Trump


After cheerfully applauding President Donald Trump’s second impeachment on Wednesday night, Jimmy Kimmel had even more good news to celebrate on Thursday.

Not only has Trump already started leaving the White House, but the president’s mood has been branded as “sullen” and “revenge” and he “even goes after his dirty deeds number one Rudy Giuliani.” The host was referring to a new report from the Washington post that Trump asked his aides not to pay Giuliani for his unsuccessful legal efforts to overturn the election results.

“Working for Trump and expecting to be paid is like having dinner with Chris Christie and expecting a doggie bag,” Kimmel joked. After noting that Giuliani’s rate would be $ 20,000 per day, he added, “Money well spent”.

“He could have hired Gary Busey for a hundred dollars to do the same thing,” he added. “That’s a lot for an incompetent lawyer.” And then, “I wonder who leaked this story … Maybe it was Giuliani’s face!”

Perhaps expecting that soon he won’t have the chance to crack jokes at Giuliani’s expense, Kimmel decided to leave everything on the table.


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