Jimmy Kimmel: Trump will learn “what it’s like to be kicked out of your home” | Late night TV tour


Jimmy kimmel

Donald Trump has always refused to acknowledge his electoral defeat on Thursday, even though “reality is starting to appear through the windows of the White House,” said Jimmy Kimmel. Trump “may be getting off with the ship, but many rats are putting on their little swimsuits in growing skepticism that their boss will be able to pull another bunny out of his Maga hat.”

“One of the reasons Trump’s advisers are so worried he can’t win is because he lost,” Kimmel continued, although recognition of such a negative outcome is now anathema to Trumpism. “There is no room for pessimism in the White House,” Kimmel said. “Racism, sexism, yes, but no pessimism.

“The big orange man is said to feel blue,” Kimmel added, because “soon he will understand what it’s like to be kicked out of your home in the middle of a pandemic”.

Trump’s children, meanwhile, bicker over how to handle their father’s intransigence; his daughter, Ivanka, is said to fear the effect the refusal to concede the election will have on Trump’s legacy. “His father’s legacy? Kimmel was furious. “His father’s legacy will be a rusty half-section of wall on the Arizona border.

Sons Don Jr and Eric, however, “realize that the main reason [Trump’s] raising money to fight this “fraud” is lining your pockets, “Kimmel said. “Come on, Ivanka, you understand. It’s Trump 101 here.

“They say the last time the kids fought like this was when they got into an argument over who might have shot their injured polo pony,” he joked. “But I have to say, what a cute little microcosm of America that Trump’s actions are tearing even his own family apart. It seems fair to me.

Stephen colbert

“It looks like no one around the president has the courage to tell him he’s lost,” Stephen Colbert told Thursday’s Late Show. And “although he desperately clings to work, he does none of that.” Instead, the president is said to have watched more television than usual in recent days. “More? How?” Colbert wondered. “Has he moved the Resolute Desk to a Best Buy?

“The president’s allergy to reality is reaching epic new heights,” as the White House ordered federal agencies to make budget plans for a non-existent second term. “Now that’s a denial of industrial strength,” Colbert said. “At one point even Norman Bates would say, ‘I’m starting to think my mom doesn’t look too good.’”

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign has resorted to soliciting donations from supporters for his “official election defense fund.” “And he’s not subtle about it,” said Colbert, describing the campaign websites’ dance buttons as “shake your little money taker!” According to the fine print, at least half of each donation will go towards paying off campaign debts; only donations of $ 8,000 or more will support unsuccessful efforts to date to “investigate” the baseless accusations of voter fraud.

The fund is just “one last flu on the road,” Colbert said. “Before he finally leaves, somebody better check under Maga’s hat for White House silverware.”

Trevor Noah

And on the Daily Show, Trevor Noah recapped the Trump administration’s efforts to undermine Joe Biden’s transition to president, denying him access to classified briefings and relegating communication with world leaders to channels. ad hoc and devious.

“The real question is’ why? Why doesn’t Trump just admit he lost? Noah asked. “Why is there fake videos out there every day on Twitter and spreading conspiracy theories about voter fraud. Why? Is it because of his fragile ego? Is it because he wants to bring the country down with him?

It could be any of those things, Noah said, but “it could also be about the Benjamins.” The Trump campaign, not to mention Trump himself, remains deeply in debt; contesting the election and asking for donations to “count the votes” means more income from a presidential race that has ended. More than half of Trump’s “official election defense fund”, according to the fine print, is actually used to pay off election debt and a slush fund that is directly linked to the president.

“My man, Donald Jobless Trump – this guy never misses a stampede,” Noah said. “I mean, for anyone with a brain, it looks like Donald Trump is cheating people of their money by saying his country wrongly kicked him out of power.

“I guess I owe Donald Trump an apology,” Noah concluded, “because I honestly thought he could never change, but he did: the guy went from being an African dictator to being an African dictator. Nigerian prince. “


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