JK Rowling's relationship with Dumbledore and Grindelwald reveals concussion


According to Mashable, the author talks about the couple in an article included in the DVD and Blu-ray versions of "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald".

"Their relationship was incredibly intense, it was exciting and it was a romantic relationship," Rowling said. "But as in any relationship, gay, straight or any other label we want, you never really know what the other person is feeling."

The author of "Harry Potter" added: "You can not know, you can believe you know."

"So I'm less interested in the sexual side – although I think this relationship has a sexual dimension – than in the sense of the emotions they felt for each other, which is ultimately the most fascinating thing of all. human relations, "she said.

A representative of Rowling told CNN that the author was not available to comment.

Just as there was a lot of anger last year when the director of "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald" said that the sexuality of Albus Dumbledore's character would not be "explicitly" explored in the film, people do not are not happy now that Rowling is exploring Dumbledore's sexuality at this late date.

J.K. Rowling responds to Dumbledore's gay controversy

"JK Rowling is trying to retroactively diversify the Harry Potter universe in the same way that James Cameron has promised him four Avatar sequels," author and director Hazel Hayes said on Twitter. "Nobody asked that."


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