Joaquin Niemann runs away with Greenbrier and becomes the first Chile to win the Tour


WHITE SULFUR SPRINGS, West Virginia – Joaquin Niemann will give pause to international team captain Ernie Els when he chooses his captain for the Presidents Cup.

Niemann became the first Chilean player to win on the PGA Tour, scoring Sunday a 6-under 64 victory for a six-shot victory in a Greenbrier Military Tribute.

Niemann, 20, took the lead in battling Tom Hoge and Richy Werenski early in the season. Niemann has birdied the last three holes to finish at 21-under 259 at the Old White TPC, which has quickly become one of his favorite sites.

"I never thought that moment was possible," said Niemann. & # 39; & # 39; I can not wait to go home and celebrate with all my friends. & # 39; & # 39;

While eight players have already qualified for the international team that will face the US team in December in Royal Melbourne Australia, Els will choose the remaining four international team members the week of Nov. 4.

"Being on the Presidents Cup is not a dream," Niemann said. It's a very good team this year. There are many good players fighting for these spots. This victory certainly helps. & # 39; & # 39;

Niemann grew up in Santiago, Chile, where he won two world junior titles. He became the world's # 1 amateur before becoming pro in 2018. He played his first full touring season in 2019, finishing # 67 at FedEx. Classification of the cup.

In 2017, Niemann finished 29th tied as an amateur at The Greenbrier after being exempted from the sponsor. He improved for a tie for fifth place in 2018.

Military Tribute to Greenbrier: Complete Scores | Total coverage

Niemann said the dozens of amenities at the resort had helped him avoid the pressure of golf. Among the activities he took part in before the tournament began, was exploring the rugged side of West Virginia with his caddy in an all-terrain vehicle.

"I just thought I was going to win the tournament from the first day," he said. & # 39; & # 39; I was in this state of mind. & # 39; & # 39;

Niemann is the first leader of the third round to win the Greenbrier since his debut in 2010. He shot 64 in the last lap for the third year in a row.

He tells himself before the round starts to go out and have fun.

"I was just trying to think of nothing else," Niemann said. & # 39; & # 39; My shopping cart made me laugh to try and forget it. The last two holes, I felt good. & # 39; & # 39;

It's the first year since 1931 that there has been more than one under-21 winner's turn. Matthew Wolff won the 3M Open in June at 20 years and 2 months.

Hoge shot 65 and finished second at 15 under. Werenski dropped to 69 and tied for third place at 14 under 14, with Brian Harman (65), Harris English (67) and Nate Lashley (69).

Hoge failed in another chance at an elusive first win. At the Sony Open 2018, he lost a lead of one hit with three holes to play, finished third and missed a playoff game.

Hoge made a birdie at five of his first eight holes on Sunday, then at the 12th hole of 568 yards to temporarily join Niemann at age 16 before making bogeys on two of his next three holes.

"Some bad shots that I would like to have, but it was a good week and a good way to start the year," said Hoge.

Niemann managed a short-distance putter to 10th of the normal 4 to go from front to back for good. He saved the normal 6-foot in 11th, made 9-foot putters in the 12th and a 13-foot curling in 13 that pushed a hand pump to push his lead to four.

There would be more bursts of joy on the stretch.

"Normally, I'm not too excited," said Niemann. & # 39; & # 39; Normally, I do not do hand pumps. The emotions on the last two holes were crazy. Making these putts on the last three holes was amazing. I could not resist. & # 39; & # 39;


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