Joe Biden expands his leadership in the race for the Democratic presidency in the new CNN poll


CLEVELAND, Ohio – Joe Biden now has a double-digit lead over fellow Democrats who run for president, a new CNN poll reveals.

The survey, conducted by the independent research firm SSRS from August 15 to 18, shows the former vice president at 29%. The 7-point increase from the latest poll shows that Biden is apparently unaffected by a series of gaffes this month, which included misidentification of two mass shootout sites and claiming that "poor children are as bright and talented as white kids. "

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren follow Biden, standing at 15% and 14%, respectively.

Biden's defeat was mainly at the expense of California Senator Kamala Harris, who dropped from 17% to 5% and rose to fourth place with South Bend Mayor Pete Buttitieg.

Former Texas member Beto O'Rourke, New Jersey senator Cory Booker, former Obama cabinet member Julian Castro and Hawaii congressman Tulsi Gabbard are the only other candidates in the world. above or at 2%. Despite a strong performance in the last debate, contractor Andrew Yang remains at 1% for the fourth consecutive poll.

Tim Ryan, a congressman from Ohio, who took a little time outside the election campaign to deal with the consequences of Dayton's shooting, is also at 1%.

  • Full results: CNN / SSRS poll August 15-18

Whether it's Biden, Sanders, Warren or Harris out of the pack, everyone compares favorably to a race against President Donald Trump, at least according to a Fox News poll. The investigation, which prompted the president to pick at his favorite network on Monday, showed the top four Democrats were winning with margins ranging from 6 to 12 points.

CNN poll respondents seem to agree, with 54 percent saying the Democratic candidate – whoever he is – has a "strong" chance to beat Trump.

As a result of other news, Castro became the tenth candidate to qualify for the next debate following the CNN poll. He will join Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, Booker, O Rourke, Yang and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar during the ABC debate in Houston on September 12 and, if more candidates qualify on September 13th. Candidates include Gabbard, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Billionaire Tom Steyer, who have already met one of two qualifying criteria.


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