Joe Biden remembers the terrible confrontation around a 1960s public pool with a razor-wrenched gangster named "Corn Pop" | Video


Senior columnist "The Root," Michael Harriot, posed new questions about former Vice President Joe Biden's perspective on race relations as a result of his comments on slavery at the time. presidential debate on Thursday.

Harriot recalled a story that Joe Biden sometimes told about the summer of 1962, when he was the only white lifeguard in a public swimming pool in Wilmington, Delaware. After telling a swimmer to exercise caution on the diving board, Biden is cautioned that he had offended "Corn Pop", the leader of a local gang. Corn Pop then announces to Biden that he will wait outside with a switching blade once his quarter is over. Fortunately, Biden defends himself by wrapping a metal chain around his arm and befriends Corn Pop.

"And I looked at it, but I was smart then, I said, first of all, I said when I tell you to leave the board, you quit the advice, and I'll send you back again, but I should not. I called you Esther Williams, please forgive me, "said Biden Fortunately, Corn Pop accepted Biden's apology.

Biden has told the story many times, including in one of his books and at a ceremony in 2017 during which they renamed the pool after him (video above) . The tweets of Harriot are particularly funny:

(Hat-tip: Mediaite)


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