Joe Biden reminds everyone that he is a terrible candidate


Joe Biden has not even officially launched his presidential campaign for 2020, but he already reminds everyone that he is a terrible candidate.

Notably prone to blunder, Biden launched two previous unsuccessful attempts for the presidency – in 1988 and 2008 – but because of his association with the more politically clever President Barack Obama and the outpouring of sympathy after the tragic loss of his son, he found himself better-known and popular. His polls, combined with the fact that many experts are convinced that the Democrats need to overcome the rust and avoid turning too much left, left the impression that he was a formidable challenger.

Yet, now that he is under surveillance, people are starting to remember that he is actually a ruined politician. The announcement of the presidential election expected by Biden was a fall after another.

Biden was put on the defensive for her involvement in the 1994 crime bill, her handling of hearings of Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas and her friendly relations with some Republicans. It turned out to be only a prologue to his mismanagement of accusations that he had had inappropriate contact with women.

Just this week, there was the awkward video in which he promised to be "more attentive to the respect of personal space in the future" without excusing himself directly. Then, after President Trump tweeted a parodic video describing a Biden cut rubbing his shoulders, Biden responded with an answer that managed to be lame while rebroadcasting the video to all his followers on Twitter, giving him even more . Warning.

But that only feeds the sinking of public relations that took place today, when he repeatedly evoked controversy at a conference on the construction and maintenance of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers held in Washington Hilton in Washington DC "I just want you to know I've had permission to kiss Lonnie," he joked referring to Lonnie Stephenson, IBEW President.

"I'm sorry I did not understand better," Biden told reporters after the speech. "I do not regret any of my intentions I do not regret anything I have ever done I have never been intentionally disrespectful towards a man or a woman. is not the reputation I've had since I. I was in high school, for the sake of God. "

This, of course, has led to another cycle of information on the fact that he is not really contrite as to his actions. And Lucy Flores, the woman who launched the latest wave of stories, once telling her that Biden sniffed her hair and kissed it behind her head, tweeted in response, "It's clear @Joe Biden did not think at all about how his inappropriate and unsolicited touching made women feel uncomfortable. Shining light on something as serious as consent is breaking down the conversation that women around the world are bravely trying to have. "

Biden hinted at a presidential announcement in the coming months. His susceptibility may not end up killing his candidacy, but the last few weeks should remind him that he's not a strong candidate. He is the same politician prone to mistakes that for years was the laughing stock and whose previous presidential failed for a reason.


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