Joe Biden responds to Trump's claim that he "deserted" Pennsylvania


"Donald Trump tried to attack me at his campaign rally saying that I had abandoned Pennsylvania," wrote the Democratic presidential candidate in a fundraising e-mail on Tuesday. "Well, my friends, I never forgot where I came from." My family had to leave Pennsylvania at the age of 10. We moved to Delaware, where my dad found a job that could support our family. "

At an election rally in Montoursville, Pennsylvania on Monday, Trump warned voters that Biden "would have" left the state.

"And do not forget that Biden dropped you in. He's not from Pennsylvania, I guess he was born here, but he left you, he left you for another state." said President Trump.

Trump narrowly won Pennsylvania in 2016, becoming the first Republican to do so since 1988, which contributed to his final victory over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Biden, born in Scranton, and his family moved from Pennsylvania in 1953 to Claymont, Delaware, where his father found a job. Biden often speaks of the struggles of his own family as emblematic of the concerns of the middle class.

"Let's be clear: it's not just about me, it's proof that Donald Trump does not understand the hardships of working people," wrote Biden. "He does not understand what it's like to worry, you're going to lose the roof over your head.He does not understand what it's like to wonder if you can put some food on the table. "

"And he does not understand that the longest walk that a parent can do is to climb a small staircase leading to their child's room to sit at the end of the bed and say, honey, I'm sorry I'm really sorry, we have to move in. You can not go back to your school, you will not see your friends, you can not play in this team, you can not be in the choir because dad lost his job or that mom lost her job. "wrote Biden. "My father had to take this walk to Scranton, Pennsylvania, only when I was taller than I realized how hard it had to be for him."

During his rally for the Pennsylvania campaign, Trump frequently criticized Biden for his trade policy, his earlier comments on China and his relations with foreign leaders. As the 2020 race heats up, the president has focused his attention on Biden despite his advisors' concerns that tweets and comments on the former vice president could elevate his status in the Democratic realm.

Biden, who leads Trump by 11 points in a recent face-to-face duel in Pennsylvania, has called much of the president's reprimand campaign. In a speech delivered Saturday in Philadelphia, Biden said that Trump was taking credit from a "strong economy" that was given him, just as he inherited everything else from his life.

"And like everything he's been given in his life, he's wasting it, too," Biden said.


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