Joe Biden to Have New Secret Service Team Amid Concerns Over Trump’s Loyalty | American News


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Joe Biden is expected to receive Secret Service protection with a new, more familiar team and the replacement of some agents, fearing they may be politically allied with Donald Trump.

During a change of guard as well as the man to be kept at the White House, Biden’s security service will undergo personnel changes, the Washington Post reported Thursday.

Several “senior” Secret Service agents are set to return to the president-elect’s protection team and Biden knows these agents well because they kept him and his family during his tenure as vice president, according to the article, reprinted in a CNN report, citing a police source.

Reassignments and promotions are common during times of transition between presidential administrations and are aimed at increasing the comfort and trust between an elected president and his security team, who keep a close watch on the commander-in-chief, including during private moments and sensitive discussions.

While personnel changes are typical, several incidents have reportedly contributed to heightened concerns from Biden allies that some agents and officers may be loyal to Trump.

Some members of the president’s office have reportedly urged their colleagues not to wear masks while traveling, for example – despite official federal guidelines on Covid-19 – as Trump himself denigrated the wearing of the mask and held on for long periods of time. months before being seen wearing one in public. .

In what has been described as an “unprecedented” move, the Secret Service allowed former retail chief Anthony Ornato to temporarily step down and serve as deputy White House chief of staff.

Ornato was among the coordinators of the June photoshoot in which Trump marched through Lafayette Square in Washington DC to stand with a Bible – after peaceful protesters were forced out of the area by troops on federal orders, sparking a outcry in political circles as well as among the public. ..

Ornato also helped with the planning of many Trump campaign rallies even as Covid-19 tore the United States apart and rallies were discouraged or outright banned. In addition to members of the public, many members of the Secret Service have contracted coronavirus or have been exposed.

The Secret Service refused to discuss the reports. Biden has had a security service since March, while campaigning for the Democratic nomination.

As the former vice presidents receive a security detail for six months after leaving office, he formally requested protection from the Secret Service after protesters rushed to the scene at a campaign rally, said CNN.


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