Joe Biden’s coronavirus advisers are worse than the disease


Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Advisory Board is pretty. . . sick.

One of his best guys wants a six-week nationwide foreclosure, with massive borrowing to pay off all the workers left behind. Another wanted the country to remain closed for 18 months – and doesn’t think life is worth living past 75.

Biden adviser Michael Osterholm said on Wednesday America needed to be locked up for four to six weeks while waiting for a vaccine to start rolling out. He is an epidemiologist by training, but he also seems to consider himself an expert in economics.

Savings rates have skyrocketed during the pandemic, he notes, which somehow makes it very good for the federal government to borrow even more to put taxpayers at the mercy of economic disaster.

“We could pay a flat rate right now that covers all wages, lost wages of individual workers, losses suffered by small businesses, mid-sized businesses or city, state and county governments. We could do all of that, ”he said, and get the virus under control“ like they did in New Zealand and Australia ”.

New Zealand has only 5 million people, with a population density of 15 people per square kilometer, less than half of the OECD average. Australia has had some of the toughest restrictions in the world, even preventing its own citizens from leaving the country. Americans, rightly, would not stand for such violations of their freedom.

But then Osterholm was arguing for a strict lockdown in early August when cases weren’t on the rise as they are now. He co-wrote a New York Times article, “Here’s how to crush the virus until the vaccines arrive,” which stated, “We should enforce shelter-in-place for everyone except workers. really essential.

Biden’s adviser Ezekiel Emanuel would go further. He argued months ago that the nation had to be locked up for at least a year and a half, until a vaccine was widely available. Still, his predictions were far behind: he said in March that there would likely be 100 million Americans infected with COVID by the end of April. As of mid-November, the country recorded a total of 10.5 million cases.

That’s not how he earned the nickname Dr. Death. In his Atlantic article “Why I hope to die at age 75”, Emanuel wrote that “death is a loss” but insisted that “living too long is also a loss” because people older people are not so “dynamic”. Hmm: Biden is 77 years old. . .

Pray that these guys don’t represent all of the “science” Biden listens to.


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