Joe Russo declares that Sony has made a "tragic mistake" in releasing Spider-Man from the MCU


Marvel Cinematic Universe director Joe Russo said Sony had made a serious and tragic mistake with the Spider-Man deal. Spidey is now out of the MCU and Russo is pretty sure the character will suffer.

Certainly, Joe Russo is biased as a member of the Marvel Studios family, after Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: war in the infinite, and Avengers: End of the game. But considering the success of the Russo Brothers with all these films, and more particularly with the use of Spider-Man's Wa civilr to End of Gamehe knows what it takes to make a great superhero movie.

You know that discussions between Disney / Marvel and Sony failed to share Tom Holland's MCU Spider-Man. Apparently, the break-up was at least partly due to a co-financing agreement, and now Marvel Studios' director, Kevin Feige, no longer produces Spider-Man movies. Sony's CEO said the door was closed for the moment, so that's it. Spidey came out of the MCU.

Big mistake. Huge. A pretty woman-style. You can not put a price on the quality. But if you madeyou can mention that people are almost always willing to pay over a billion dollars for this, and sometimes more than $ 2 billion, and in one case more than anything else in the world.

From Joe Russo's point of view, Sony underestimates the loss of MCU's architect, Kevin Feige, as a carpet linking together this beautiful and extremely successful room. Sony seems to think that his team is strong enough to give Tom Holland Spider-Man's reporters stories as impressive as anything we've seen so far in the MCU.

Anthony Russo also spoke at the Toronto Sun about the loss of Spider-Man in the MCU, echoing what he and Joe had already told the Daily Beast about not being surprised at the breakdown of the deal. He noted how difficult it was to get Spider-Man into Captain America: Civil War in the first place. He was impressed by Kevin Feige, and they had a "wonderful experience" sharing Spider-Man with Sony for some movies.

Kevin Feige is also weighed after the announcement of the spread of the split between Sony and Marvel:

Tom Holland said something similar in his own statement to EW, claiming that he had an incredible life making five great movies. He plans to continue playing Spider-Man, and even though the character's future will be different, "it will be just as awesome and amazing, and we'll find new ways to make it even cooler."

What do you think? Which company – Sony or Disney / Marvel – has committed the "tragic fault" of not compromising more than Spider-Man in the MCU?

Who made the "tragic mistake" in this Spider-Man mess?


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