John Kelly criticizes Trump for delaying Biden transition


Kelly, a retired four-star Marine Corps general, served as Trump’s chief of staff from July 2017 to early January 2019. Trump lost patience with his strict management style, and Kelly became exasperated by trying to put guardrails around the chair.

Kelly said starting the transition information briefings early is essential as it is a gradual process.

“The transition, in the field of national security in particular and in the field of internal security, is so important that every day that the transition is delayed is really a kind of handicap,” he said.

A number of prominent Senate Republicans, including Sen. James Lankford (Okla.), Marco Rubio (Florida) and Roy Blunt (Mo.) also called for Biden to start receiving briefings.

“I think it’s crazy not to” start the transition, Kelly said. “I know Mr. Trump better than most people. I know he will never accept defeat and, in fact, he doesn’t have to accept defeat here. He just has to do what is best for the country and in the best interests of the country.

Kelly, who served as Trump’s homeland security secretary before becoming chief of staff, said Biden’s new senior White House officials should also be allowed to interact with federal agencies to train on important questions that they will begin to address on January 20. So far, General Service Administration Administrator Emily Murphy has not determined that Biden is officially the president-elect, which has kept Biden’s agencies and transition team from interacting.

“If you’re the new Chief of Staff, maybe you want to spend time with the FBI, you want to spend time at the NSA, whatever, to make yourself aware so that if and when you take the relay, you are fully informed and you are comfortable understanding the threats in the short, medium and long term, ”he said.


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