John McAfee was broke at the time of his death after spending millions on a series of luxury villas and “bizarre properties,” according to biographer


john mcafee

Computer software pioneer John McAfee speaks to reporters outside his hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, December 13, 2012. McAfee, wanted for questioning in Belize for the murder of a fellow American, arrived in Miami on Wednesday evening after being deported from Guatemala, according to other passengers on an American Airlines flight. Joe Skipper / File Photo / Reuters

  • John McAfee was reportedly broke before his death, his former autobiographer told the Daily Mail.

  • Mark Eglinton, a writer who collaborated with McAfee, said he spent millions on “bizarre” mansions.

  • McAfee had been embroiled in financial and legal issues leading to his apparent suicide.

  • See more stories on the Insider business page.

According to a Daily Mail report, the founder of the antivirus software company, John McAfee, was broke when he died last month after blowing up millions in luxury mansions around the world.

The Anglo-American tycoon died by apparent suicide in a Spanish prison on June 23 while awaiting his extradition to the United States.

Mark Eglinton, a biographer who worked with McAfee on a book about his life, told the Mail the tech mogul reportedly spent millions on luxury compounds in places like Belize, Colorado, Hawaii, Tennessee and Texas.

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Eglinton told the Mail that McAfee was unable to pay for what he had requested in advance for the collaboration. The writer did not disclose how much money he requested, although the Mail said it was “not a large sum”.

“I have no doubt that if he could have helped he would have done it,” Eglinton said, according to the Mail. He said, ‘I can’t do it, my financial situation is worse than yours. “‘

The author, who said he spoke to the tech mogul for “countless hours” about his finances, claimed McAfee was obsessed with buying and building homes.

“He had his money in very safe investments, but he built houses, absolutely bizarre properties,” Eglinton said, according to the Mail. “Some of them, he never slept a night on the property.”

McAfee was reportedly hit by the 2008 real estate crisis, which caused him to sell several of his properties at a loss.

A compound he bought in Woodland Park, Colo., Which was valued at more than $ 25 million, sold at auction for just $ 5.72 million in 2007, according to the Mail.

Eglinton also said McAfee told him that the $ 100 million he received from the sale of his software security company, McAfee Associates, in 1994 “was going very fast,” the Mail reported.

McAfee had a history of financial and legal problems. In October last year, he was arrested at Barcelona airport on a warrant issued by Tennessee prosecutors for allegedly evading more than $ 4 million in taxes.

The US Department of Justice has also charged McAfee twice, once with tax evasion from 2014 to 2018 and another with “fraudulent promotion of cryptocurrencies to investors.”

McAfee has also been accused of failing to disclose the money he made from cryptocurrency and speaking fees, as well as selling the rights to his life story for a documentary.

Eglinton publishes his book “No Domain: The John McAfee Tapes” in December as sole author.

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