John Oliver asks Wanda Sykes and Larry David to discuss medical bias


Larry David, Wanda Sykes, John Oliver
Screenshot: Last Week Tonight

Sundays Last week tonight In medicine, facilitator John Oliver pointed out that he was unlikely to be a white male. On the one hand, Oliver is, he said, the human equivalent of a cider donut, in that it's "pale, filled with cakes and found on all Northeast producers' markets ". For another, in white, he is much less inclined to face the personal or institutional biases of a doctor when he had to go to the hospital. You know, because he actually has a serious medical problem, contrary to what has been analyzed in his main narrative, women and / or people of color, whose treatment is suspected, provable and predictable, thanks generations of misconceptions, prejudices and narcotics. the myths.

A nursing handbook that warned future nurses about racial disparities in how patients perceive pain (Native Americans might choose a magic number instead of indicating how real the pain is n & # 39; 39; is one example), noted with relief the widely used text was finally withdrawn – three years ago. Polls in medical schools reveal that an alarming number of future doctors believe that "blacks have thicker skin, less sensitive nerve endings, and their blood coagulates faster." Medical research has long regarded male bodies as a defect, pesky hormones' that blur the results – even in uterine cancer studies. And an interview with the widow of a black woman who died in childbirth (something that happens sometimes) 3-4 times more often in America as in white women), shows in a heartbreaking way how he still wonders if doing a scene on the deterioration of the situation of his wife would have saved his life, or if he too would have been dismissed (or worse) as a "Angry Black Man." Answering the question of whether his fears were true or not, the man in mourning said, "Just having to ask that question is a problem."

Damn all right. But, as Oliver noted, what can people do about it? Fortunately, he has HBO level friends in this business. After already playing a video of Wanda Sykes, complaining in her recent special stand-up that she had been sent home after a double mastectomy with "ibu-fuckin '-profen" (since, as Oliver l & rsquo; Noted, blacks are more likely to be considered addicts, looking for fake drugs), Oliver welcomes Sykes. (He had to be kicked out first.) Introducing his version of Last week tonight (renamed Last Sad Tonight with McDorky glassesSykes criticized the situation and many other problems because of her position as a black woman who was administered "ibu-fuckin'-profen" after a cancer operation.

And while Sykes said that long-term solutions such as bias training, diversity in real hospitals (not just those created by Shonda Rhimes), and not being afraid to defend oneself are the means To go forward, she also acknowledged that this is not going to help women and people of color today. Unveiling his fourth secret tactic, "Bring a White Man" to complain for you, Skyes introduced his friend, co-star and biggest white man to the world, Larry David. Being Last sad eveningThere is also a website ( where patients can view extracts of David asking for care for everything from his ass to his uterus, in the inimitable style of Larry David. And since even that might not be enough to overcome the wall of partiality and ignorance between you and adequate medical care, there is also an excerpt from David's unfolding what Sykes called "L & # 39; seven-word call from the white person, "" I want to talk to your supervisor. "


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