John Oliver: Donald Trump reaches the Omelette Bar after declaring state of national emergency


John Oliver's Last week tonight made its noisy return to HBO on Sunday night after a three month hiatus, allowing viewers to quickly get acquainted with all the news that the show had missed:

– Each person is now in the chair

– Jeff Bezos wants us all to keep an eye on his dick

– The president has been very busy.

Trump's accomplishments over the last few months include a feast of 300 hamburgers or, as he put it in a tweet "More than 1,000 hamburgers," Oliver said.

On Christmas Eve, he told a little girl on the phone that his belief in Santa Claus was "marginal" at his age – "perfectly in the skin of" for Trump, given his talent for "kissing" children Oliver said as a photo of Trump. the children have broadcast.

But the "major drama" during Last week tonight Trump was constantly trying to convince Congress to finance the wall of his border, including putting the government out of service for about a month.

And, the "new approach" last Friday.

"Trump says the border is suddenly a national emergency," Oliver chuckled.

"Let's be clear, the emergency situation at the border is zero at the moment," recalled the host late in the evening, citing reports that illegal crossings are receding. for 20 years and that a wall would be expensive and inefficient.

Putting the facts aside, declaring a national emergency is "a big step forward," Oliver said.

And yet, a few minutes after declaring it, Trump said on national television, "I could do the wall for a longer period. I did not need to do that. But I would prefer to do it much faster. "

"It's not an emergency, so, that's it !?" Oliver quipped with rhetoric.

Trump seems to agree, given the speed with which he went to the Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach after his statement.

"[Trump] Hours later, he fled to Florida for the weekend, where he was apparently photographed waiting in an omelette bar, "Oliver said. "You know, the kind of thing you do when America is in crisis."


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