John Oliver exposes Meghan McCain’s ‘Stop Asian Hate’ hypocrisy


John Oliver opened Last week tonight this Sunday by examining the anti-Asian racism that led directly to the horrific mass shooting that left six Asian women and two others dead. And in addition to criticizing Donald Trump for spending a full year using terms like “Wuhan virus” and “kung flu” instead of COVID-19, Oliver had a few choice words for conservative pundits like View’s Meghan McCain who gave a pass to the former president.

“Our long and ugly history of anti-Asian racism and the fact that it often peaks in times of crisis is the exact reason why, last year, many were loudly warning Trump calling out COVID names like the ‘Chinese virus’ was likely to lead to an increase in violence against people of Asian descent, ”Oliver said. “An argument that not everyone at the time seemed to find convincing.”


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