Johnny Depp goes after Amber has heard a $ 50 million defamation lawsuit


(UPDATED with statement from Amber Heard) Johnny Depp has had a lot of legal problems in recent years, but this time it's a very personal issue.

Nearly three years after the news of the breakdown of The pirates of the Caribbean The star's wedding with Amber Heard has been made public, Depp now pursues his ex-wife and Aquaman star for $ 50 million for defamation.

"Mrs. Heard is not a victim of domestic violence, she is the perpetrator of the crime," said the prosecution in reaction to an end of opposition for which the actress was penned The Washington Post in mid-December last year.

"I had the rare benefit of seeing, in real time, how institutions protect men accused of abuse," said Heard in the "I Denounced Sexual Violence – and I Fought Anger" of our culture. That must change "titled To post piece, which never really mentioned Depp by name, but which obviously did not have to do it – not for this trial.

"Mr. Depp has never abused Ms. Heard," says the actor over compensatory damages and punitive damages. "His allegations against him were false when they were worded in 2016" , he adds, in reference to Heard's assertions at the couple's short-lived union.A marriage that ended with a temporary restraining order against Depp, and then a settlement $ 7 million, which Heard donated to a charity.

After long denied the allegations of abuse, the Hollywood Vampire guitarist now clearly thinks that a lot of things were happening.

"They were part of an elaborate hoax to generate a positive publicity for Mrs. Heard and advance her career," now positing the charges relating to Depp's allegations of violent misconduct.

"This frivolous action is only the last of Johnny Depp's repeated efforts to silence Amber Heard," said Deadline's actress Eric M. George's lawyer. "She will not be silenced."

"Mr Depp's actions prove that he is unable to accept the truth about his persistent abusive behavior," added Browne partner George Ross LLP. "But, even though he seems resolutely determined to reach the Self-destruct, we will prevail over the unfounded trial and terminate the continued vile harassment of my client by Mr. Depp and his legal team. "

Depp representatives did not respond to the request for comment on the filing.

However, if the legal history is an indication, expect the American Civil Liberties Union's Ambassador for Women's Rights to not soon post her own POV in the file.

This lawsuit takes place in the context where Depp is still fighting on several legal fronts. Despite a big win last summer, one of those battles includes a $ 30 million malpractice suit against the actor's former lawyers at Bloom Hergott Diemer Rosenthal LaViolette Feldman Schenkman & Goodman LLP.


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