Johnny Depp says Amber Heard didn’t donate $ 7million to charity as announced – Deadline


The multinational legal battles between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have become much less charitable.

Like once married Rum Journal co-stars ” towards the start of the May 3 lawsuit in Depp’s $ 50 million libel suit against Heard, the claims have now resurfaced on Aquaman star donated her $ 7 million divorce settlement in 2016 to charity as promised.

A history clearly established in the United Kingdom Daily mail which seems to be aimed at helping to obtain Pirates of the Caribbean actor the retrial he seeks against another tabloid The sun on being labeled a “wife beater” in the press.

“Sir. Depp’s effort to sow stories in the media criticizing Amber for not yet honoring all of the donations she has pledged to charity is another desperate attempt to distract attention from the court’s findings. British authorities relating to allegations that Mr Depp committed domestic violence and abuse, ”Heard’s US lawyer Elaine Bredehoft told Deadline in a statement Thursday after the Mail the story appeared online.

Johnny Depp fails to get Amber Heard’s $ 100million counter-suit launched, doubling in legal battles on both sides of the Atlantic

Diverting maybe, but not wrong, it seems.

While Depp initially handed over $ 100,000 of the $ 3.5 million pledged to the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital Foundation on Heard’s behalf in 2016, a 2019 letter from the organization asks the actress ” if you know if the CHLA should expect further payments on your behalf or if the commitment will not be kept. “

Heard told the UK High Court last year, and on various other occasions in recent years, that she donated the full $ 7 million to CHLA and ACLU after a first hiccup in the agreement with her ex-husband. In fact, in his biting November 2020 ruling against Depp in the defamation case against Rupert Murdoch’s property SunJudge Andrew Nichol congratulated Heard as Team Depp sought to sully the domestic violence advocate’s motives. “His donation of $ 7 million to charity is hardly the deed one would expect of a gold digger,” the High Court judge said, saying The sun’S’s allegations against Depp were “substantially true”.

However, today Heard’s attorney in the Virginia-based libel case and her client’s $ 100 million counterclaim have visibly echoed the full scope of the actress’ benefits.

“Amber has already been responsible for seven figures in charitable giving and intends to continue to contribute and ultimately fulfill her pledge,” added the Reston located in Bredehoft. However, Amber was delayed in this goal because Mr. Depp filed a lawsuit against her, and as a result, she was forced to spend millions of dollars to defend Mr. Depp’s false accusations against her. “

While implicitly confirming Depp’s claims that the donations were not fully made, Bredehoft’s explanation further complicates the matter in another way. Depp sued Heard for libel in 2019, more than two years after the divorce settlement. So how much money did Heard have to pay lawyers from 2017 to 2019?

This issue may now become crucial in the UK Having already seen an appeal attempt go nowhere, Depp’s UK lawyers want a new trial in part because the judge at the first trial ‘did not properly assess his credibility by referring to documentary evidence, photographs, recordings or otherwise. “

Nicol JA “concluded that the appellant was guilty of serious physical assault without taking into account or even acknowledging that Ms. Heard had been false in her testimony, without testing her account against the documentary evidence and the evidence of other witnesses. , and doing nothing. concluded that he did not believe these witnesses, ”lawyer David Sherborne wrote to the Court of Appeal on Christmas Eve.

Deadline asked Heard’s attorney Bredehoft if the fact that her client didn’t donate the entire $ 7 million settlement, as she said, could have an impact on the business of defamation in the United States or on the matter in the United Kingdom. “No. They have nothing to do with each other,” responded Charlson Bredehoft partner Cohen & Brown, PC.

The ACLU did not respond to a request from Deadline about the status of Heard’s donations. CHLA did it, in a way. “Due to the circumstances of the litigation, CHLA is legally prohibited from publicly sharing the details of the case,” a spokesperson for the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital said tonight.

Depp representatives did not have a timely statement when contacted before the deadline. But, Depp’s longtime legal adviser Adam Waldman responded online to Bredehoft’s remark that Heard ‘finally’ honored the donations by posting ‘is this the same as a 4 year media spasm. the $ 7 million charitable donation? Is this the same thing that was said in court under oath? No, it is not the same.

Often mentioned in documents filed by Heard’s attorneys in the Virginia cases and no longer directly representing Depp in the case, Waldman is currently wanted for a deposition that Heard’s team says he is avoiding. “Just like Mr. Depp, who declined to appear for his duly noted testimony, Mr. Waldman appears or believes that the clear rules of this Court regarding depositions do not apply to him,” says a Jan. 4 memorandum in opposition from Heard’s lawyers to Team Depp’s motion for a protection order.

Having failed earlier this week to have Heard’s $ 100 million counterclaims dismissed in a Virginia court, it is probably no coincidence that the donation dispute is on its way to a new level. In December, Fairfax County Judge Bruce White granted Depp’s desire for Heard to turn over her ten-year-old arrest record and documentation of how she allocated the funds for the deal to him. divorce of 2016.

While the Oscar nominee has lost in other large parts of this “wide range of irrelevant, excessive and privileged findings” (to quote Heard’s opposition filed on December 11), suddenly, potentially damning documentation for the defendant and counter-plaintiff appears. in the British press – the other front in the couple’s ongoing litigation.

Now chopped Fantastic beats the actor sued Heard in the Old Dominion in March 2019 after writing a Washington post op-ed on being a victim of domestic violence. The play never really named Depp, but the already-litigious actor said it cost him a gig in a project Pirates of the Caribbean to restart. The action went on to say that in fact it was Depp who was the victim of the tumultuous relationship: “Ms. Heard is not a victim of domestic violence, she is an abuser. “

In this case, again confidential documents are about to become public, so to speak. On January 5, on advice from both parties, Justice White ordered that Depp’s financial information and tax returns no longer be designated as “confidential under the protection order.”

Having seen the full extent of his wealth and his seemingly excessive spending habits previously made public in a previous, since-settled lawsuit with his former company directors, Depp may not be too concerned about his financial situation.

Yet perception, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.


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