Johnny Depp says Hollywood boycotted him in the press for new movie


Image of the article titled Johnny Depp says Hollywood is 'boycotted' Him in interview promoting new movie

Photo: Tristan Fewings (Getty Images)

In one Sunday opening hours interview for his last movie Minamata—Which gave him the main role—Johnny Depp lamented than Hollywood “boycotted” him after Amber heard‘s domestic violence allegations.

That should be a pretty ineffective boycott, right? Although the film has so far only been released in the UK, MGM would have secured US rights to the film, as well as those of Canada, Germany and Switzerland. In July, a studio spokesperson said the film’s US release date “to be determined”. But forget Minamata– Heard public accounts of abuse against Depp date back to at least 2016, when she shared photos of the injuries she said she received from Depp and took a restraining order against the actor. Since then Depp fired about a dozen films and short films, including two Fantastic beasts movies and a Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

Nevertheless, in his conversation with the Sunday opening hours, he insisted on presenting himself as “a man, an actor in an unpleasant and messy situation, for the past few years”. He then reassured the media that he was working to bring “things to light”, making a rather convoluted comment on how viewers of his films constitute his “employers” – not (presumably) production studios.

They made all of these studios rich, but they forgot about it a long time ago, ”Depp said.. “I certainly didn’t. I am proud of these people, because of what they are trying to say, which is the truth. The truth that they are trying to get out because it is not the case in the more mainstream publications. It is a long road which sometimes becomes awkward. Sometimes just plain stupid. But they stayed on the road with me and it is for them that I will fight.

These words are both banal and revealing. How? ‘Or’ What the accused explain their conditions (which, as in the case of Depp, not have seemed to have changed as drastically as they think) often used to show how much they don’t apologize, and how little they thought about their behavior. Depp comparing the one in Hollywood #MeToo movement for a “boycott” is trivialized, reminding us that the consequences it has suffered so far to have been a bit mundane. For the most part, Depp continued to work at a brisk pace, and even when asked to step back from the most recent Fantastic beasts movie, he still has left with all his salary (despite the shooting of only one scene).

But hey, if he needs to talk more about a so-called “boycott,” apparently publications as the Sunday opening hours are open to a sit-down.


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