JoJo Siwa took a major blow to Nickelodeon on Twitter


“These are MY songs, MY voice, MY handwriting. Does that sound right to you ???”

JoJo Siwa has a major bone to choose from with Nickelodeon.

Gp / GC Images / Getty Images

The ponytail performer, who has just been announced as a competitor on Dancing with the stars, goes on tour in January for Nickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa DREAMS The Tour.

Maarten De Boer / ABC via Getty Images

But there are aspects of the tour that JoJo is NOT so comfortable with. Posting on Twitter, she wrote: “My musical just released (with 6 new original songs)… Nickelodeon told me today that I am not allowed to play / add any of the songs from the movie on my show . These are MY songs, MY voice, MY writing. Does that sound right ??? “

I’m going on tour in January. My musical has just been released (with 6 new original songs)… Nickelodeon told me today that I was not allowed to play / add any of the songs from the movie in my show. These are MY songs, MY voice, MY writing. Does this sound fair ???

@itsjojosiwa / Via Twitter: @itsjojosiwa

“There is no reason that this music is not included,” the singer continued. “Working for a company as a real human being treated like a brand is fun until it isn’t.”

There is no reason why this music should not be included. Working for a company as a human being treated as one brand is fun until it isn’t.

@itsjojosiwa / Via Twitter: @itsjojosiwa

by Jojo DREAM The Tour, of course, supports his EPs 2018 and 2019, DREAM Music and Celebrate.

Léon Bennett / Getty Images

Now I’m sure there’s a ton of fine print in a Nickelodeon contract (because Nickelodeon).

Léon Bennett / Getty Images

BUT: It’s really frustrating for an artist not to have creative control over their live set!

Léon Bennett / Getty Images

Fingers crossed for the fairest result possible, JoJo!

Nbc / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

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