Joker plans to beat the box office record of Venom's opening weekend


The last supervising DC movie, Joker, will make its debut at the beginning of next month and is already on track to break the October record of the opening weekend.
According to Variety, early tracking results estimated that the film would earn between $ 76 and $ 88 million at the box office during its opening weekend. If these figures are accurate, Joker has a good chance of ousting the impressive opening weekend of Oen Venom, worth $ 80 million.

Despite these results, Warner Bros has set its estimates down, predicting $ 50 to $ 55 million. This is partly due to the darker and unconventional description of DC's popular character, which some say will drive fans and the general public away.

Do not forget to check out the many original Joker stories in the gallery below..

The many stories of the origin of the Joker

It should be noted that even at these lower projections, Joker would still be a hit. The production of many superhero movies costs more than $ 150 million, while Joker production costs only $ 55 million.

This is due to the more studied nature of the film, which is why Joker is not connected to any other DC film and does not cross Batman by Robert Pattinson.

Joker receives rave reviews, winning first prize at the Venice Film Festival and will be nominated for an Oscar, according to the festival's director.

You can check our Joker Review in the video below.

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Hope Corrigan is an Australian freelance writer for IGN. You can follow her Twitter and Instagram.


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