Directed by Todd Phillips, the film stars Joaquin Phoenix in the role of Arthur Fleck, a lonely man suffering from a disorder that renders him excluded from his company. The psychological thriller, which follows Fleck as he plunges into the depths of his mental illness and becomes the evil murderer of DC Comics, provoked a conversation about the violence of his realistic weapon and his brutal scenes.
"I want customers to feel comfortable in their surroundings," said Ted Mundorff, Landmark's President and CEO. The Hollywood journalist, noting JokerDark themes. Landmark currently has 50 theaters across the country.
Since the shooting of 2012 at midnight, a projection of The black knight gets up In Aurora, Colorado, most movie theaters across the country did not allow customers or employees to wear face masks, face paint, or toy guns. However, body suits were generally allowed.
To date, the FBI has not alerted the National Association of Theater Owners of credible threats regarding Jokeris run in theaters.
Regal Cinemas commented on Thursday: "We do not believe that the content or existence of a film is a cause or a sign of violence, but even if we do not comment on the security protocols implemented by our theaters, and employee safety is our main concern, and in cooperation with NATO, we are in regular contact with law enforcement all year round, which gives us the information we need to make any safety assessment that they deem appropriate at any time. "
Earlier this week, AMC Theaters reiterated its current costume policy: "Guests are invited to come dressed in costumes, but we do not allow masks, face painting, or anything that conceals the face. AMC does not allow guns or objects other guests feel uncomfortable or detrimental to the cinematic experience. "
Joker, which premiered at the Venice International Film Festival, is positioning itself as a major player in the distribution of awards, paying particular attention to Phoenix's performance.
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