This upcoming series sees the beloved comedian take to the news again – but not like he did before. Rather than keeping abreast of the very latest episodes via new nightly episodes, “The Problem with Jon Stewart” will provide a collection of in-depth dives on essential topics. The hour-long show will arrive to the public every two weeks. The episodes will take an in-depth look at the most important topics that sparked national conversations and inject some good old-fashioned comedy into the mix as you dissect them. While yet to be premiered, the series is already drawing comparisons to John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight,” as they share a similar format.
The trailer sees guests discussing topics such as racial inequality and working class America, with Stewart pushing for questions, offering comment or sitting in stunned silence. Although he was out of the game for a while and kept a relatively low profile, Stewart continued to use his celebrity status to advocate for the same pressing issues he championed on “The Daily Show.” This includes everything from comprehensive veteran care to defending 9/11 first responders. The series will likely continue these trends, but expand more into the issues, inviting both those affected by the issues and those leading the charge for change. “The Problem With Jon Stewart” is meant to unbox the problems and spark a discussion of tangible steps that can lead to solutions.
And if you still need more Jon Stewart in your life, then good news: there is, in fact, more! In addition to your TV, your favorite actor will also be available on your phone! … which is a roundabout way of saying that the show comes with a companion podcast that expands the conversation of each episode. “The Problem” staff members will moderate interviews with activists to uncover more information and, of course, make a ton of more jokes. The series and podcast were developed as part of Stewarts’ multi-year partnership with Apple TV +.
The first episode of “The Problem with Jon Stewart” arrives on AppleTV + on September 30, 2021, with new episodes to follow every two weeks. Here is the brief recap of the series:
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the world’s problems. It is more difficult to identify the systems responsible for their creation. In this series, Jon Stewart brings together people affected by different parts of an issue to discuss one big question: How to bring about change?
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