Jon Voight: the winner of an Oscar sees Trump as the greatest president since Lincoln


The star of "Midnight Cowboy" and "Transformers" addresses his remarks to the "people of the Republican Party", declaring in the two-part video that Trump "corrected each of his actions" and that "our country is stronger, safer "and with more jobs" with him at the helm.

"This job is not easy because it is fighting against the left and their absurd destruction words," said Voight, 80. "Our nation was built on the solid ground of our ancestors and a code of moral duty was passed down by President Lincoln."

The videos, which last a little more than a minute, were posted Friday night on the account of Voight.

Voight invoked Lincoln about Trump in 2017

This was not the first time Voight had publicly linked Trump and Lincoln, the country's 16th president, who had issued the emancipation proclamation and ended the civil war.

Speaking at a groundbreaking rally in January 2017 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, Voight said, "God answered all our prayers" by giving Trump the White House, reported The Hill.
Jon Voight: Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz

"And President Lincoln, who sits here with us," says Voight, "I'm sure I'm smiling knowing that America will be saved by an honest and good man who will work for all people no matter what their belief or their color. "

Among Trump's early supporters, Voight said in March 2016 to the conservative Breitbart News website: "Donald is funny, playful and colorful, but he is above all honest."

"There is no bull for sale and everyone will discover that the bull that most politicians spit is for their own reasons and benefits," said Voight in a statement issued at the time on the site.

After just over two years in office, Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading claims, according to the Washington Post Fact Checker.
In March, Trump announced the appointment of Voight as director of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts until 2024.


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