Jonah Williams goes into gear in his preparation – ProFootballTalk


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Former Alabama goaltender, Jonah Williams, receives rave reviews for his mental preparation for the game, which shows the NFL teams an impressive level of involvement in his craft.

Williams has developed his own tracing study methods, observing the defensive line players he is lining up for, categorizing every move he makes and writing all the data into a spreadsheet to allow him to analyze what he can expect on the day of the match.

The old Browns have left the striker Joe Thomas examined how Williams prepares and told ESPN he was "great" and that Williams is mentally ahead of most young linemen.

"It just shows his level of preparation," said Thomas. "It says a lot about the success he will have at the next level, because that's the kind of preparation you need to get an advantage over your opponent. I was not so advanced when I was in college.

Williams shared a spreadsheet with Austin Gayle from Pro Football Focus, and this shows the simple way in which he distills a large amount of information he has gathered during a film study. This is an impressive level of preparation from an impressive young player.


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