Jordan Peele, J.J. Abrams pledges to fight Georgia following the Abortion Act


Comedian turned director, Jordan Peele has made a lucrative career exploiting the American racial divide for profit-making purposes with films like "Get Out" and episodes of "The Twilight Zone". Do not expect that it highlights the fact that more black babies are aborted in New York than allow babies born, or that American taxpayers' money goes to an organization founded by a eugenicist racist.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Jordan Peele and director JJ Abrams (the man who turned "Star Wars" into a feminist empowerment vehicle) issued a statement stating that his HBO drama "Lovecraft County" does not would not be shot in Georgia as planned due to the enactment of a law banning abortion after the heartbeat of a baby. has been detected in the mother's womb.

"In a few weeks, we start turning our new series, "The country of Lovecraft" and will do it alongside the women of Georgia, "said the directors in a joint statement. Governor Kemp's "Fetal Heartbeat" Abortion Law is an unconstitutional effort to further prevent women and their caregivers from making private medical decisions on their terms. Make no mistake, it is an attack aimed outright and deliberately on women. "

Abrams went on to say that its company Bad Robot and Monkeypaw Productions of Peele would give funds to fight the legislation.

"We stand alongside Stacey Abrams and the working population of Georgia.We will pay 100% of our respective episodic taxes for this season to two organizations leading the lawsuit against this draconian law: the ACLU of Georgia and Fair Fight Georgia, "he said. "We encourage those who are able to channel all resources to these organizations."

What is most interesting about the fact that Peele and Abrams described the bill as a fight against women is that women were the main sponsors. From LifeNews:

Senator Renee Unterman, who was the main sponsor in the Senate, was made up of four women. In fact, Unterman described the adoption of the law in the upper house of the Georgia Legislature as "the pinnacle of his legislative career."

Unterman told the story of a hysterectomy while she was in her twenties.

"I adopted two children and only by the courageous abilities of these biological mothers to abandon these children," she said. "It's my career that has made me so pro-life."

Unterman went on to criticize Hollywood elites who had threatened to boycott the state because of the bill at the grassroots.

"We are very proud of the film industry," she said. "But we have our values ​​and we will protect our values. When they came here, they knew who we are and who we are.

Jordan Peele, who recently said that he would not play the lead role in his films, and JJ Abrams joins four production companies who announced Thursday that they would boycott the state of Georgia for the same law.

Christine Vachon, CEO of Killer Films, who has produced films like "Vox Lux" and "First Reformed" ad that the society "will no longer consider Georgia as a viable film location as long as this ridiculous law has not been overturned".

David Simon, who runs Blown Deadline Productions and who created "The Wire" and "The Deuce," said that he could in all conscience ask a woman under his job to shoot in Georgia.

"I can not ask any women member of a film production with which I am involved to marginalize themselves so much or to compromise their inalienable authority over their own body.I must undertake a production in which the rights of all citizens remain intact, "Simon said in a statement. tweet.

"I can only speak for my production company, and our comparative assessments of future development sites will pull Georgia off the list until we can be assured that the health options and civil liberties of our female colleagues will not be altered, "he added.

Simultaneously, Mark Duplass of Duplass Brothers Productions asked other companies Thursday to play blackball in Georgia.

"Do not give your business to Georgia" he wrote. "Do you want me to commit to filming nothing in Georgia until they overturn this legislation upside down?"

Later, the films of CounterNarrative, which produced Netflix's movie "Triple Frontier", announced that it would no longer shoot in Georgia. "No Georgia will turn on any of our projects until this law is gone," wrote producer Neal Dodson on Twitter.


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