"Journey on the Wild Planet" is surprisingly relaxing


The first-person title takes place in a vibrant world called AR-Y 26. You play a fast-paced explorer for Kindred Aerospace, a company that, well, is probably not the best employer. "For the eighth consecutive year, Kindred has been voted the fourth best interstellar exploration company by our peers," says Martin Tweed, general manager of the company, in a promotional video. You then leave your spaceship and do what you want. The game defines several tasks: sweeping the planet to determine if it suits human habitation and investigating a strange structure resembling a tower, but you are free to walk around and do nonsense.

And oh boy, can you mess? With an Xbox One controller, for example, I discovered that you can slap and "slap aliens" by pressing and holding the X button. I had to spend five or 10 minutes running through the undergrowth, looking for unsuspecting extraterrestrials that I could hit with seemingly superhuman strength.

<img alt = "Journey on the Wild Planet" data-credittion = "Journey on the Wild Planet" data-credit = "Typhoon Studios" data-credit-link-back = "" data-dam-provider = "" data- local-id = "local-1-6384286-1560301519924" data-media-id = "8215b9e4-89b5-4c9a-9852-9bdee4a02e7c" data-original-url = "https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr -uploaded-images / 2019-06 / 1736db60-8cae-11e9-b75f-438b30867cb7 "data-title =" Journey into the Wild Planet "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?resize=2000 % 2C2000% 2Cshrink & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fs.yimg.com% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr-uploaded-images% 2F2019-06% 2F1736db60-8cae-b75f-438b30867cb7 & customer = a1acac3e1b3290917doss & signature = b1c

The game, however, has dangerous creatures. At the beginning of my game demo, I found a lizard-like creature that could roll into a ball and charge at a fierce speed. If I avoided correctly, the alien would reveal its weak spot for a few seconds – a long tail with shiny globes – that could be exploited with my futuristic blaster. Later, I had to attack two of these monsters simultaneously, which required double precision jumps and evasive strafing. Unsurprisingly, it took a few tries before I could defeat them both and recover the special resource they were keeping.

Meanwhile, the game offers a surprisingly hysterical dialogue. The first time I ate orange flora – a collector's item that improves the maximum health of your character, among other statistics – a virtual assistant questioned my sanity and why I would consume something of which I knew literally nothing. I could not help but laugh. "Yeah, it was a stupid thing to do," I say to myself. "But I do it all the time in video games!" Later, when I died and I reappeared in my spaceship, the robotic voice proposed a poem on my short-lived expedition. I do not remember the exact words, but it made me smile and shake my head so "I can not believe that they wrote that".

<img alt = "Journey on the Wild Planet" data-credittion = "Journey on the Wild Planet" data-credit = "Typhoon Studios" data-credit-link-back = "" data-dam-provider = "" data- local-id = "local-2-7812253-1560301563452" data-media-id = "25eacaae-1b8b-4ba8-a011-8452eb945337" data-original-url = "https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr -uploaded-images / 2019-06 / 34394f40-8cae-11e9-b3f8-e4792df43ca2 "data-title =" Journey into the wild planet "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?resize=2000 % 2C2000% 2Cshrink & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fs.yimg.com% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr-the-images-sent% 2F2019-06% 2F34394f40-8cae-11e9-b3f8-e4792df43ca2Down-in-you -send?

Typhoon Studios, a Canadian developer made up of former employees of Ubisoft and Electronic Arts, calls this a "serious comedy". The team wanted to create a smaller, lighter title that did not require hundreds of hours to complete. You can play the game for a few hours after work or browse most quests during a weekend. In this spirit, Journey on the wild planet will not be a $ 60 game. The exact price remains a mystery, but the company has hinted that it would act as a budget title for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and, via Epic Games Store, PC players.

Many games allow you to explore an extraterrestrial world. Few have the same charm and the same distinct personality that Journey on the wild planet, although. Of course, it is possible that the humor ends up exhausting after a few hours and exposes a shooter a little smaller than number below. What I saw, however, did not leave me worried or worried. Typhoon Studios has found its voice and I can not wait to see how the game will run next year.


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