JPMorgan Chase tweet financial advice: Warren review – Axios


Details: The bank has been heavily criticized on Twitter for its attempt to be narrated on social media. In a series of publications on Twitter, Representative Katie Porter (D-Calif.) Called JPMorgan Chase's Executive Director, Jamie Dimon, to s & # 39; excuse for the tweet. "And if this tweet reflects Mr. Jones's views, an apology will not be enough. #TimetoRetire Thursday, "she added.

Why it's important: The big American banks are under scrutiny in Congress. At a hearing of the House Financial Services Committee this month, Porter challenged Dimon, asking the billionaire how a single mother working as a bank teller Chase should budget for his salary, after taking into account the cost of childcare and other expenses.

What they say: JPMorgan Chase subsequently deleted the tweet and tackled the controversy in a follow-up post on Twitter.


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