Judge calls for unreformed Mueller report in Roger Stone case


Roger Stone

In the Roger Stone case, the judge wants to look at obscure portions of the Mueller report, while she is looking into an offer from Stone's lawyers to classify the case. | Win McNamee / Getty Images

Federal prosecutors in charge of Roger Stone's case have been ordered to hand over to a judge any undisclosed portion of the report of special advocate, Robert Mueller, relating to the GOP's long-standing operation likely to help him prepare his defense for his next trial.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the United States District Court has ordered American lawyers in charge of the Stone case until Monday to provide him with excerpts from Mueller's report dealing with the Stone case. and / or "the dissemination of pirated material" during the 2016 presidential campaign at the expense of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

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Ms. Jackson stated that she wished to privately review the obscured portions of the Mueller Report, while she was reviewing several petitions from Stone's solicitors seeking access as part of a broader offer. to classify the case. In January, Mueller accused Stone of lying to Congress and hindered the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into Russia's interference in the presidential election. of 2016, a trial to open in Washington on November 5th.

Last month, Stone's lawyers requested the full Mueller report, urging Jackson to dismiss the case before trial. His lawyers are also trying to get the case transferred to Jackson, who presided over the guilty plea and conviction of former Trump campaign president, Paul Manafort, as well as several other related cases. to Mueller.

Federal prosecutors who took over the Stone case last month following the Mueller inquiry filed Friday a motion of the opposition in which they challenged the submission of the unexpurgated report of the special counsel to the defense .

"The government is meeting its discovery obligations in this case, including its obligation to provide the defense with potentially exculpatory material that could be interpreted as exculpatory, as well as information about the credibility of witnesses that the government intends to quote at the hearing, "said the US District Attorney's Attorneys for the District of Columbia wrote. "Since the information disclosed to the Attorney General that may have been removed from the public version of the special advocate's report is already being disclosed to the defendant in an interview, the defendant is not entitled to a copy unwritten report. "

Stone's attempt to see the redacted Mueller report is one of the few legal offers that have been successful in court and deal with the work of the special council. Electronic Privacy Information Center and BuzzFeed are suing the Ministry of Justice under the Freedom of Information Act for the entire unfinished Mueller report and the underlying evidence. Members of the House Judiciary Committee also voted Wednesday to convict the Attorney General, William Barr, in defiance of the Congress, as they tried to impose a subpoena to access the hidden passages of the report. 448 pages of Mueller, forerunner of their own judicial battle documents.


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