Judge could revoke Roger Stone's link because of "Instagram" cross


Roger Stone, former campaign advisor to President Donald Trump, leaves the federal court in Washington on Friday, February 1, 2019.

Pablo Martinez Monsivais | AP

Roger Stone, former campaign advisor to President Donald Trump, leaves the federal court in Washington on Friday, February 1, 2019.

A federal judge ordered Thursday in Republican court Roger Stone to explain why he should not change or even revoke his bail bond, due to his recent Instagram post showing the judge next to what appeared to be the viewfinder of A viewfinder.


Stone was apparently angry that his case was specifically assigned to Jackson, instead of a randomly chosen judge.

"Please inform the Court that the photo and comments of today were incorrect and that they should not have been posted," Stone said in his statement on Monday. "I had no intention of disrespecting the court and humbly excusing myself in court for this transgression."

Stone, accused in January of tampering with witnesses, obstruction of justice and false statements in Congress, apologized to Jackson in connection with a deposit filed Monday night.

Mueller accused Stone of lying to Congress about his alleged attempts to have Democratic WikiLeaks publish documents pirated by Russian Democratic agents, including Hillary Clinton's campaign president, during a meeting with the presidential campaign of 2016.


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