Judge Jeanine: "Take your popcorn", the deep state is about to be exposed | Video


In the opening monologue of her Saturday night FOX News show, Jeanine Pirro criticized former FBI director, James Comey, accusing her of running her own "crime family." "and to have attempted to organize a" bloody coup "against President Trump.

"They do not go quietly into the night, it will be a joy to watch," Pirro began in its opening segment Saturday night. "Take your popcorn, Junior Mints or anything that makes you happy, the real show is about to start, it's going to be the real reality show, no script, no rehearsal, just a gang of criminals point out to save their skin, a version of the real crime and the reality show Survivor, the deep state exposed. "

Pirro was also featured on this week's "Saturday Night Live" show, where she was portrayed as furious drunk.


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