Judges vote against Trump campaign in 6 Pennsylvania mail-order cases


In total, the Trump campaign had sought to throw away nearly 9,000 missing ballots because their outer envelopes lacked names, dates or addresses or a combination of the three that voters could have filled out.

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In five related cases, Judge James Crumlish of the Philadelphia County Common Plea Court said the Trump campaign could not invalidate 8,329 ballots it alleged to be inappropriate. The judge ruled that these ballots should be processed and counted.

In another case, the president’s campaign asked the Montgomery County Board of Elections to throw 592 ballots in the mail where voters had not filled in their addresses on the outer envelopes. Those ballots will be counted, Second Judge Richard Haaz of the Montgomery County Common Plea Court ruled on Friday.

Haaz found that state law did not require voters to fill out the address sections on envelopes, and the instructions on the ballot papers did not tell voters to fill them out.

“Voters should not be deprived of their voting rights based on reasonable reliance on voting instructions provided by election officials,” Haaz wrote.

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The Trump campaign had told the court it was not alleging voter fraud in the cases – it was just trying to enforce the rules.

Although the ballots number in the thousands, they would not be enough for Trump to overcome Biden’s victory in Pennsylvania, even if all were Trump votes.


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