Judicial Branch Issues Subpoenas to Hope Hicks, Annie Donaldson


The committee issued subpoenas against Hicks and Donaldson as part of their extensive investigation into possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of authority. The subpoena from Hicks, the former director of communications for the White House, includes a request for documents and his appearance at a public hearing next month. Donaldson's subpoena, who was the White House's Deputy Attorney, is seeking documents and appearing at a June testimony.

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The committee is asking both parties to provide documents by June 4, with Hicks scheduled to appear on June 19 and Donaldson on June 24.

"As I said earlier today, the investigation of the Judicial Committee on obstruction of justice, public corruption and the abuse of power of President Trump and his administration will continue, "Nadler said in a statement.

The committee authorized the subpoenas against Hicks and Donaldson at the same time as former White House lawyer Don McGahn last month. McGahn defied his assignment Tuesday under White House leadership, not appearing for a scheduled hearing. The Speaker of the Judiciary of the House of Representatives, Jerry Nadler, said that he was going to ask that McGahn be found guilty of contempt of Congress because he had not introduced himself.

The committee wishes to question Hicks and Donaldson about the bouts of impediment documented in the report of special advocate Robert Mueller. The committee has also authorized subpoenas to two other former White House officials – former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and former chief strategist Steve Bannon – but no one. He did not issue these subpoenas.

This story breaks and is updated


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