Judith Clark, driver fleeing the Brink & # 39; s robbery in 1981, released from prison


NEW YORK – Judith Clark, a left-wing extremist who was found guilty of escaping the driver during Brink's 1981 murderous robbery in upstate New York, was released on parole Friday at the age of 69. Two police officers, Sgt. Edward O'Grady and Officer Waverly Brown were killed along with Peter Paige, a Brink guard during a $ 1.6 million armored truck robbery attempt.

Clark made his initial report to his parole officer after he was released from prison, said Correctional Services spokesperson Thomas Mailey.

Clark will live in Manhattan. She will be "closely monitored to ensure that she fully complies with all conditions of her parole," Mailey said.

Clark was a member of the radical groups of the 60s such as the Weather Underground and its organization 19 May, communist organization. The flight of 20 October 1981 was intended to finance radical groups. At his trial, Clark refused to participate and introduced himself.

Clark had been sentenced to 75 years in prison for life, but getting a favor in 2016 by Governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo praised her as a model prisoner and her supporters declared that she embodied the ideals of the penitentiary system as an institution of rehabilitation rather than revenge.

But some law enforcement officials, politicians and families of victims opposed his release.

"While this is a wonderful day for Judy Clark and her family, she acknowledges that the news of her release could upset the families of the victims and wants to express her concern for these communities," said her family in a statement. "She plans to live her life outside, as she did inside, in atonement for the wrongs she caused."

On April 17, in a 2-to-1 decision granting his release, the Parole Board noted that Clark's initial sentence had been sentenced to life imprisonment for "unrepentant behavior and the refusal of his lawyer". apologized to the community and its victims.

The board listed Clark's many accomplishments in prison, including obtaining a master's degree, training assistance dogs for veterans and law enforcement, creating of an AIDS education program, protection of a college program for inmates and work in a nursery to mentor new mothers.

The dissident council member spoke of the violence of the crime, the impact on families of the killed officers and guardian, and Clark's participation in the revolutionary communist organization founded on May 19 by members of the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army in the late 1970s. In addition to the Brink robbery, May 19 was a series of bombings against government and military buildings.

His lawyers said Clark would live with a friend in New York and work for Hour Children, an organization that helps incarcerated women and their children join the community.


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