Released earlier in 2020, Jurassic World Evolution is a fantastic game where players can “take over operations on the legendary islands of the Muertes Archipelago and bring the wonder, majesty and danger of dinosaurs to life.” . Players can become a kind of bioengineering dinosaur scientist as they wish. Through this, players can give “dinosaurs unique behaviors, traits, and appearances, then contain and leverage them to fund your worldwide search for lost dinosaur DNA.”
As well as being a scientist, you also become an in-game park manager. Your personalized Jurassic Park can be science, entertainment, or safety focused. There are also challenges on the ground or in the air that can be addressed with a number of management tools.
While the Epic Games launcher has been in hot water lately, it’s hard to turn down a free game. Moreover, it looks like a rather exciting game that can be played on the Epic Games Store for free until January 7. If you do decide to pick it up from the Epic Games store, let us know how it’s going in the comments below.
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