Jussie Smollett Cut from Broadway Play 'Take Me Out': report


Jussie Smollett lost a lead role in the upcoming Broadway restart of Tony's award-winning piece Take me, the sources say at Daily mail. The actor would have been embodied by the main character Darren Lemming, a Métis baseball player who declared himself gay at the peak of his career and who eventually suffered the attack from a teammate who utters racial and homophobic insults.

Smollett read for the role alongside his future co-star Zachary Quinto the day before a so-called hate crime against the Empire star in Chicago, according to a precedent Daily mail report. A source described as a "Broadway Insider" tells the newspaper that the Smollett and Quinto castings were to be announced last month, but that "everything has moved" after evidence showed that the attack on Smollett seemed to have been organized.

The report was released in the midst of the ongoing legal battle between Smollett and the city of Chicago, which sued the actor for justice to demand reimbursement of investigation fees. Smollett denied having organized the altercation. The charges against him for filing a false police report were dropped last month. While the trial was ongoing, Smollett was not included in the last two episodes of EmpireFifth season.


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