Jussie Smollett followed the liberal dogma that says oppression is the new privilege


YYou can hardly blame Jussie Smollett for allegedly falsifying the violent homophobic attack inspired by Trump that he reported at the end of last month. It has only put into practice what the Liberals and the social justice movement are preaching.

The Chicago police request another interview with Smollett, apparently because new evidence suggests that he staged the incident and paid for two black men, whom he knew, to give the police the chance. impression that he was brutally assaulted. The story was that President Trump's supporters had soaked him in a bleach bath and hung his head around his neck late in the night. Although odd, the story lasted nearly 20 days, until the police track down the men involved.

But back to Smollett, because he is both black and gay, he could count on the fact that the hoax would check two of the most popular boxes in the hierarchy of social justice.

When Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Who ran for president, tweeted in December, "Our future is: feminine, intersectional, fueled by our belief in each other. And we're just starting, "that's more or less what she was referring to. The more one can pretend to an oppression of society, we call it "intersectionality", the more we assume that it is morally correct, and the more its point of view is valid. This has been demonstrated by the flow of solidarity, encouragement and support towards Smollett by Hollywood, Democrats and the media after his first dubious statement about the alleged attack.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Tweeted: "This attack was not" probably "homophobic. It was a racist and homophobic attack. If you do not like what is happening in our country, then work to change it. It is no one's job to mitigate or damage the resurgence of hate crimes. "

Brooke Baldwin, CNN's on-air host, called the assault "absolutely despicable," adding that he "hoped the police would get rid of it very quickly."

Actress Emma Watson tweeted: "Disgusted by the ugly prejudices and bigotry behind this violence. Send love to @JussieSmollett and all those who have been hurt by the hatred of those who fear the difference. "

American liberal culture, which largely means Hollywood and the news media, rewards anyone who can claim to be victims of oppression in society. And the more you are victim, the better. And how much more victim can you be than a homosexual black man hit by Trump supporters ?! Jackpot!

Regarding the reasons why Smollett would have simulated the attack, apart from the positive attention to intersectionality, it seems that his character on the Fox show, "Empire", is in the process of writing. 'history. It could have been an attempt to raise his profile before the end of this round.

Fox denied this rumor, but even if his character was not killed, Smollett had nothing to lose and everything to gain by claiming to have been a victim of violent racism and homophobia. After the initial report, everyone in America knew his name. The cultural giants of the media, Hollywood and the Democratic Party turned him into a martyr.

Smollett aspired to the top of the victims, just as the liberals and the social justice movement learned.


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