Jussie Smollett's lawyer apologizes to the mayor and police chief: "Jussie paid enough"


Jussie Smollett's legal team is demanding an apology from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson for "dragging the character of an innocent man into the mud".

"It's the mayor and the police chief who owe Jussie – he owes him an apology – for betraying the character of an innocent man, and Jussie has paid enough," the statement said.

Smollett 's statement was made after Emanuel had said at a press conference Thursday that the actor should "repay the city".

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"The police are collecting the costs, it will do so, then the council company and the city of Chicago will inform Jussie Smollett and his legal team of the possibility of recovering these costs in this effort, and since it is n & # 39; 39, has no sense of contrition and remorse, my recommendation is when he writes check in the memo section [of the check]he can put the word "I am responsible for the hoax," said Emanuel.

The mayor was found side by side with police forces in his town Tuesday afternoon, denouncing prosecutors for abandoning the lawsuits against the star "Empire" and calling the episode " money laundering ".

Johnson and Emanuel had stated that they were not only furious at the result of Tuesday's surprise hearing, but also blinded by the decision itself. .

"Where is the responsibility in the system? You can not have – because of the position of one person – a set of rules applicable to it and another set of rules applying to all others "said Emanuel. "Our officers worked hard day in and day out, devoting countless hours to solving what had really happened that night, and the city has seen its reputation hanging out in the mud. is not just the work of the officers, but that of the grand jury who made a decision based solely on a tiny piece of the evidence [presented]. Because of the judge's decision, none of this evidence will be made public. "

Emanuel also said: "[This case] sends a clear message: if you are in a position of influence and power, you will be treated in one way and if you are not, you will be treated in another way. "

Matt Finn, Fox News, and the Associated Press contributed to this report.


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