Justice Department Launches Investigation into Phoenix Police Practices


WASHINGTON – The Department of Justice on Thursday launched a civil rights investigation by the Phoenix Police Department, to determine whether police use excessive force, treat minorities differently, and treat people with disabilities and homeless people properly.

Phoenix Police are facing lawsuits and numerous complaints over their response to the Black Lives Matter protests last year. A lawsuit claims police laid false felony charges after rounding up 124 people, pursuing them and firing tear gas.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said the investigation will examine whether officers use excessive force, engage in discriminatory police activities, violate free speech, respond inappropriately to people with disabilities and violate rights homeless people by seizing and disposing of their property.

Garland and Kristen Clarke, assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division, said the Phoenix mayor and chief of police were briefed on the investigation Thursday morning and pledged their full support.

“When we investigate patterns or practices to determine whether the Constitution or federal law has been violated, our goal is to promote transparency and accountability. This increases public confidence, which in turn increases confidence. public safety, ”Garland said.

The Justice Department earlier this year opened similar inquiries into the Minneapolis Police Department after the death of George Floyd, and Louisville, Kentucky, after the death of Breonna Taylor.

In August, Arizona released a body camera video showing the arrest of a man who died in custody after being held on asphalt for several minutes in 100-degree heat.

Garland said the question of how police respond to calls involving people with physical or mental disabilities is an important issue for the nation.

“Our society puts a strain on the policing profession by turning to law enforcement to solve a wide range of social issues. Too often, we have asked law enforcement officials to be the first and last option in resolving issues that should not be addressed by our criminal justice system. “

The attorney general also said states must do more to avoid deportations during the Covid crisis. Further evictions, he said, would worsen the homelessness crisis. He said the Justice Department intended to defend the latest moratorium on evictions issued by the Centers for Disease Control.

Many legal experts have said the Supreme Court sent a strong signal at the end of June that the CDC lacks the power to impose such a drastic moratorium.


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