Justice Department Prepares Google Anti-trust Investigation of Research and Other Activities


The US Department of Justice is preparing an antitrust investigation on Google and should review the "research and other activities" of the technology giant.

The Federal Trade Commission, which investigated Google several years ago, postpones the investigation to the GM, the Wall Street Journal reported.

"With turf now resolved, the department is preparing to take a close look at Google's business practices for its research activities and other activities," said the newspaper. Newspaper". "We can not know immediately if Google has been contacted by the ministry, but third parties critical of the research giant have already begun discussions with officials of the Ministry of Justice, said some people close to the case . "

"The report comes amidst discussions between politicians and the public on whether big tech companies should be dismantled," CNBC reported. "The Ministry of Justice opened in 1998 a major antitrust litigation against Microsoft, which led to several rules that the company had to follow for years."

"Alphabet, which generated revenues of $ 136.8 billion in 2018, has already been subject to antitrust pressure," CNBC added. "In 2010, the European company received antitrust complaints from the European Commission regarding the ranking of search results and shopping ads, which led Google to pay $ 2.7 billion in 2017. In 2016, the EC is complaining of some Android practices for which the company has recognized $ 5.1 billion in the second quarter of 2018. "

The Verge pointed out that Google dominates "its positions in search engine, web browser, mobile operating systems, e-mail and many other product categories, which contributes to its ability to collect data and deliver targeted ads. "

President Donald Trump has repeatedly protested against Google, who has been accused by many of having a strong anti-conservative bias.

"The results of the Google search for" Trump News "only display the visualization / reporting of Fake News Media, in other words, they have RIGUED, for me and for others , so almost all the stories and news are FALSE, "tweeted Trump. "Fake CNN is important." Republican / Conservative and fair media are banned. "Illegal" 96% of the results of "Trump News" come from the left wing press, very dangerous.Google and others dispel the voices of conservatives and hide information and news that's good, they control what we can and can not see, it's a very serious situation, we'll fix it! "

"The only" collusion "is that of the Democrats with Russia and many others," Trump said in a tweet last November. "Why did not the FBI remove the server from the DNC?" They still do not have it. "Find out how Facebook, Google and Twitter, which are biased, are in favor of Democrats. collusion! "

In December, Trump tweeted: "Facebook, Twitter and Google are so biased towards Dems that it's ridiculous! Twitter has actually made it much harder for people to join @realDonaldTrump. names and significantly slowed down the level and speed of the increase.They recognized-did nothing! "

In March, Trump tweeted: "Facebook, Google and Twitter, not to mention the corrupt media, are so much on the side of radical left-wing democrats, but do not worry, we will win anyway, as we did before! #MAGA"


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