Justin Bieber says he is related to Ryan Gosling and Avril Lavigne – Hollywood Life


After researching Ancestry.com, Justin Bieber says he is related to Canadian compatriots Ryan Gosling and Avril Lavigne, saying the results seem "super legitimate."

according to Justin Bieber, his family has just grown! The 25-year-old pop star did genealogical research on Ancestry.com and discovered that he was related to fellow Canadians. Ryan Gosling and Avril Lavigne. "I have also just discovered that I'm related to Ryan Gosling and Avril Lavigne, it's the best day of my life …," Justin said on his Instagram account on Saturday, Aug. 31. "It sounds super legitimate it's on ancestry.com. The website claims to have "the largest collection of online records in the world," or $ 20 billion.

The legend of Justin was associated with a detailed family tree capture, which explains that Ryan Gosling, 38, is the 11th cousin of Justin removed, and Avril Lavigne, 34, is removed. The two relations would be by Justin's mother, Pattie Mallette. According to Ancestry.com, Justin, Ryan and Avril all claim that Mathurn Roy and Marguerite Bire are their eleventh great-grandparents. Interestingly, the trio hails from the province of Ontario: Justin grew up near Toronto in Stratford, Ryan is from London, and Avril was born in Belleville.

Since Justin has had many milestones in life, including marriage Hailey Baldwin22 years old, last September, after signing a label at just 13 years old and winning her first Grammy in 2016, this discovery seems a strange choice to double the "best day" of her life. About a minute after posting the photo on Instagram, Justin also tweeted"It's a good day." Justin recently said he was a big fan of Ryan, writing "It's time we get another human movie, the legend Ryan Gosling," in another article published on Instagram on August 18th.

Longtime director of Justin Braun scooter seemed to agree with the family tree, commenting "I have always seen a strong resemblance". The stylist of the singer "Sorry" Karla Welch, who also happens to be Canadian, replied, "I'm sure we're bound as well" – but JB's discovery left most of his supporters puzzled. "Why did the general public know it before you, man?" A fan wrote, indicating that many Beliebers were aware of the relationship years ago because of their public notoriety. "We, the believers, know it since 2011" and "I feel weird, but am I the only one to know that it was related to last April" commented on other people. April and Ryan have yet to answer Justin's discovery, but they may be listing invitations to his upcoming South Carolina wedding.


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