Kamala Harris calls for the release of a full report on Mueller and expects Congress to review the underlying evidence


Sin. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Wishes the Congress to receive all the "supporting information" from Special Advocate Robert Mueller's inquiry into Russia and request that the full report be made public.

In an interview with CNN's John King on Sunday, the 2020 presidential candidate said the government should "show as much transparency as possible" in the publication of the report on Russia's interference in elections of 2016.

"This is an extraordinary moment in terms of the need for the Special Council to investigate the conduct of the US President's campaign and the issues surrounding it, and I believe that, particularly in light of all fake I think we think, rightly, that it is important that the American public receives as much information as possible and that we are as transparent as possible, "she said.

"I am an advocate of transparency, I am defending a public report, and certainly, in the US Congress, we would receive all the information to support, that it is a hearing." classified or not, "she added.

Attorney General William Barr said in his confirmation hearing that he wanted to be as "transparent" as possible regarding the publication of a report to Congress and the public.

Department of Justice directives require Mueller to submit a confidential report to Barr at the conclusion of the investigation. The report must explain why the prosecutors decided or chose not to prosecute the cases under investigation. Department of Justice regulations do not require Mueller's report to be disclosed to Congress or the public, but the Attorney General must file his own report with legislators and advise them of the possibility of the department preventing the team Mueller to take action.

The Department of Justice generally has a practice of not disclosing derogatory information about individuals who have not been charged with crimes.

CORRECTION: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Senator Kamala Harris was not asking for the publication of the Mueller report, even though she had done so. the Washington Examiner regret the mistake.


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