Kamala Harris is sorry to laugh when her supporter called Donald Trump "mental retardation"


Kamala Harris apologized on Saturday for her laugh and response. "Well said" when a supporter of India labeled the actions of President Donald Trump "mentally retarded" in a New Hampshire city hall. CNN reported that the supporter, who spoke with a strong accent and identified himself as being from the hometown of Harris' mother in India, said: "In one way or another another, a racist bigot goes to the White House and he then says if you're not my color, you need to go back to his country "then asked Harris what she would do" over the next year, to reduce the mental disorders of this guy? After taking action for his reaction, the Harris campaign tweeted an apology, insisting that the Democratic candidate would have corrected the man if she had heard only what he had said. "I did not hear the words that the man used at that time, but if I had that, I would have stopped and corrected it," she writes in a tweet. "I'm sorry, this word and others like that are not acceptable."

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