Kansas Supreme Court says state constitution protects right to abortion, a decision that could lead to challenges in other states


Abortion rights activists protest in the United States Supreme Court in January. (Jose Luis Magana / AP)

Kansas Supreme Court decided that the state's constitution protected the right to abortion, thus blocking Kansas's 2015 law banning abortion proceedings in the second quarter.

The judges ruled Friday morning that Kansas' protection of the "right to personal autonomy" meant that state law could not restrict the right to "control one's own body, assert one's integrity." This right allows a woman to make her own decisions about her body, health, family formation and family life, decisions that may include whether to maintain the pregnancy. "

The ruling concluded that Kansas' protections could potentially nullify all federal restrictions on abortion, a finding that could pave the way for legal challenges to abortion laws in other states that try to strictly control the procedures. This decision comes as more than 11 states in the Midwest and South have passed laws banning the abortion procedure after six weeks, often before women even realize that they are pregnant.

The Kansas court decision was seen as a victory for abortion rights advocates, as more and more groups turn to the courts to defend federally supported abortion rights protected by the law. Roe vs Wade.


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