Kanye West’s Mark Yeezy sues intern for violating NDA


Kanye West’s clothing brand Yeezy is suing one of its summer interns after posting confidential photos on Instagram.

It comes after intern Ryan Inwards signed nondisclosure agreements that contained a $ 500,000 clause in damages, according to a lawsuit filed Friday Jan. 15 in LA County Superior Court (per The Hollywood Reporter).

NDAs prohibit divulging or disseminating confidential information on social media, but Yeezy claimed their intern shared non-public images on Instagram and did not remove them even after Western society sent several cease and desist letters and of withdrawal.

Inwards is sued for breach of contract and conversion, and Yeezy seeks $ 500,000 in liquidated damages plus punitive damages because he believes he is acting maliciously.

Yeezy is also seeking an injunction requiring him to return the images and be banned from similar positions in the future.

Last month, West released a new surprise Sunday Service Choir EP titled “Emmanuel”, inspired by “ancient and Latin music.”

The rapper previously shared a surprise Christmas release in 2019 with the Sunday Service Choir’s album ‘Jesus Is Born’.

The five-track EP “Emmanuel” is a “Celebration of the Miracle of the Birth of Jesus Christ” and is also credited to the Sunday Service Choir. It was produced by West and includes a Christian prayer in “Requiem Aeternam” and a performance of the hymn “Gloria”.

Meanwhile, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are planning a divorce, with sources claiming the two are currently living “separate lives.”

According to Page six, “Divorce is imminent” for the celebrity couple, with several close sources alleging that Kardashian has hired celebrity divorce lawyer Laura Wasser to represent her.


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