Kate Bishop’s Story, History, Abilities and Movements


Kate Bishop is finally making her Marvel Avengers debut, and everyone’s favorite Hawkeye brings some awesome artillery with her.

Despite a less than stellar launch, Marvel’s Avengers continues its march into 2021 with exciting new content and, in particular, a welcome addition to the list: Kate Bishop.

Hawkeye’s Heir to Mantle hits her mark as the title’s first playable DLC hero. Players can expect a wide array of new tools to accompany Kate as she embarks on her new story mission, “Taking AIM”. Let’s take a look at the abilities she unleashes in the latest DLC.

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Right off the bat, Kate has a few unique abilities related to the game’s light time travel story that is added with her Operation.

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  • Quantum shift: A parry / counterattack move designed to punish enemies, where she teleports behind her foe and unleashes a powerful melee attack. Kate carries a sword for close encounters and uses it accordingly.
  • Blink: This ability allows him to travel distance and quickly traverse maps. Teleporting from one area to another can be combined with his other movement abilities, such as his air race, to cross the map quickly. While Deep Dive sees her using it to attack enemies, players can also use it as a quick escape in a pinch, depending on how the movement handles images of invincibility.

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Of course, the bow she’s wearing isn’t just for show – she prefers it. His quiver is packed with ammo that would make Clint Barton blush, including …

  • Razor arrows: These can be timed for extra damage for players taking their time or spammed up close for a quick burst of damage.
  • Scatter fire arrows: Great for crowd control and channeled enemies into close quarters, Kate shoots multiple arrows simultaneously, pulverizing them into a cone shape in front of her.
  • Explosive arrows: Will deal heavy damage with an explosive tip but appears to have a large drop arc from a distance. Probably more useful for slower, armored opponents that get closer.
  • Smoke screen arrows: Stuns enemies in a cloud of smoke, allowing Kate to dive in and suffer.
  • Warp Arrow: Can be used to teleport Kate to a different location and launch enemies into the air when she arrives. Once upgraded, he allows his teammates to come as well, making Kate an integral part of the team’s journey through the game’s sprawling maps.

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Kate’s heroic abilities allow her to distract her opponents with a unique decoy, an explosive hologram that shoots arrows and can be triggered from a distance to deal damage to a mob. She can also switch places with her decoy, allowing her to enter and exit combat at will.

His ultimate movement, Quantum overdrive, supercharges her gear with unlimited energy for a short time, allowing Kate to launch quantum energy arrows for high damage. There is almost certainly more to learn about Kate, including how she interacts with the other Avengers in battle. Luckily, there won’t be much of a wait until Kate Bishop finally arrives. Marvel’s Avengers.

Developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix, Marvel’s Avengers is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, and PC. Kate Bishop will be available as a free DLC starting December 8, 2020.

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