Kate Heron explains her loneliness


Jonathan Majors is featured in a purple-hued crop of his own Loki poster as He Who Remains, aka Immortus, aka Kang.

Jonathan Majors as the one left.
Picture: Disney + / Wonder

Disney + and Marvel Loki was originally a series meant to explore the inner workings of the evil god and how we really come to shape our identities in relation to one another. Corn the final of the show threw everyone for a loop by presenting the The MCU’s Next Big Villain and directly configure much of what needs to happen in the future of the franchise. io9 recently had the chance to speak with He Who Remains director Kate Herron.

“Forever. Forever.” didn’t exactly bring Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and that of Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) respective stories of self-discovery until the end, but it left them in a markedly different space (in an existential sense) that is likely to be at the center of Lokithe second season of. The final ended up focusing on The one who stays (Jonathan Majors), for he turned out not only to be the person in charge of VAT, but also the kind of madman who is well aware of the multiversal chaos he is sowing. Although he met his end at Sylvie’s blade after she and Loki shared a tight kiss, history made it clear that he was only one of a lot variants that will become the iteration of the MCU of Kang the Conqueror.

Since the variants of the multiverse tend to be quite distinct from each other, there’s no way of knowing exactly what sort of person the next major character will appear to. But when io9 recently spoke with Loki director Herron on video, she explained how there is a certain degree of emotional community between Loki, Sylvie and their other variations, and this may be true of The One Who Remains. While Loki and Sylvie don’t necessarily realize it throughout this first season, Herron explained, they and all of the other Lokis grapple with a larger sentiment that has shaped them.

Charles Pulliam-Moore, io9: After “For all time. Always.” The cast of He Who Remains and Jonathan Majors really became the big surprise of the series, and you explained how you came up with this project knowing that you build that specific v.ariant. I am curious to know a little more about the conversations that you and Jonathan have had about the interiority of the One Who Remains, as a singular presence within Loki.

Kate herron: Something that really turned Jonathan and I on was just this idea of ​​that balance between an extrovert and an introvert. He’s isolated, the only character he seems to be talking to is this talking clock, Miss Minutes, and other than that he’s surrounded by this really noisy timeline. But it’s very quiet where the Citadel is, and there’s a loneliness and isolation to it. I think it was interesting for us to bounce that idea off with this outgoing showman who loves storytelling.

Mobius and B-15 witness the birth of the multiverse.

Mobius and B-15 witness the birth of the multiverse.
Picture: Disney + / Wonder

io9: Right, and “For all time. Always. ”Is it really him who exposes everything for them both.

Herron: The funny thing we really like to get into is where does he lie, where does he not lie? And times when it should go taller, or when it should go smaller. When he says, “If you think I’m bad, wait until you meet my variants,” and I really believe he stays there. I think you have to believe it because, you know, Loki is like “I believe what he says”, and as we see in the end, he wasn’t lying. They killed him and the multiverse was born.

io9: There was finally this very strong thread of loneliness that underlined the presence of Loki, Sylvie and The One Who Remains in the series. What were the elements of loneliness that you really wanted to highlight beyond just showing us how distant they had been from the people who were once close to them?

Herron: Well, there’s this lovely quote about Loki in the comics, which is that he’s the god of the outcasts, and I think he said “They see themselves in me, and I in them.” I think that’s a big part of why I love Loki, but also, you know, he’s isolated. He feels like an outcast, and I think Sylvie is the same. She never grew up in a palathis, she did not even have this life, she has been on the run since she was a child, and lives from apocalypse to apocalypse. And the one who remains lives alone in this citadel at the end of time because it is the only way for him to protect himself. There’s a lot of crossover with the characters that way.

io9: The one that remains the citadel ithis is one of the few times we see a Loki character really in their “home” element, and the space suggests so much about the kind of person he is. How did your and Jonathan’s ideas of The Remnant come to influence the appearance of the Citadel?

He Who Remains shows off his loungewear.

He Who Remains shows off his loungewear.
Picture: Disney + / Wonder

Herron: With Jonathan, you can even relate it to his clothes. Me and Christine [Wada], our costume designer, we talked about it, and she had this great idea to build her look from all these different eras, so we can’t quite situate it in time, but also at the same time, it is at home all the time, and her clothes should look like pajamas. Weirdly, it became a bit like the pandemic in that sense because we were all isolated, and I was like, “Yeah, loungewear”, because that makes sense that way.

Kasra [Farahani], my chief decorator, had the brilliant idea that the Citadel would be carved out of the meteorite …wIt’s interesting because he’s busy, isn’t it, The One Who Stays, and he spends all of his time in his office. So the office is the most completed part of the Citadel, but the rest is in ruins and not quite finished yet, and that kind of gives an interesting idea of ​​his character and the loneliness he feels. Loneliness is certainly a theme that runs through the series, but I think there is hope as well. Loki and Sylvie reunite, and there is hope for them.

io9: There’s always more thinking about the things we see on screen than the show suggests, and I wanted to hear what sorts of things we had been discussing about the Loki variants that we encounter at the very last moment. end of episode four. You have such a precise idea of ​​the origin of Classic Loki; Were there any unexplored ideas to give the other variations a bit more, like textual context?

Herron: I think for me the interesting thing was that Kid Loki is the leader. I thought he might have gotten it first. I guess on the one hand you could say it’s classic [Loki who should be the leader], but I do not know. Time is not the future or the past, it could have been any of them, really, but I just think that was something really interesting for me about Kid Loki in that sense. that he is almost the most adult of all. Alligator Loki, who knows what the alligator story might be? It was always fun – the debate over whether it’s a Loki, or if it’s just an alligator with horns on its head. I think it’s a Loki.

Boastful Loki, Kid Loki, Classic Loki and Alligator Loki fixing something.

Boastful Loki, Kid Loki, Classic Loki and Alligator Loki fixing something.
Picture: Disney + / Wonder

io9: What about boastful Loki?

Herron: With Boastful Loki, he was just such a character because, you know, I had worked with Deobia [Oparei] before, and we’ve kind of shaped that character. I think for myself, I didn’t exactly know his story, but those questions about whether he’s worthy or not are there, and that funny part of the Lokis that we see in all of them. They want to tell a story and they’re all very charismatic, but like Classic says, there’s that kind of pain in all of them.

We can’t necessarily delve into that with all of the characters completely, but that’s what happens when Classic talks about how he missed his brother. This is what caused his Nexus event. He was kind of living that loose life, which is why I think it was important for us that he walked in and saved Loki and Sylvie at the very end of the episode because he’s trying to do something brave. .

io9: Now that Lokihas successfully established a new multiverse within the MCU, what do you, as a storyteller, think is important for audiences to keep in mind as multiverses become more and more common in this? type of media?

Herron: I can’t talk about what the future plans to be with them, but I guess anything is possible, right? Because you see in a void, how all this madness was sent out there and taken away and it will all be on its own timeline. So I guess I’m expecting the unexpected, to quote our show.

Loki is now streaming on Disney +, and the second season is expected to arrive on the streaming service at some point in the not-so-distant future. What did you think of the surprise appearance and characterization of Majors?

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